Missed the Kravis Prize internship fair? Don’t worry, there’s still time to make an impact next summer!

Missed the Kravis Prize internship fair? Don’t worry, there’s still time to make an impact next summer!

Strong turnout marked the recent Kravis Prize Internship Fair, which opened its doors to CMC freshmen, sophomores, and juniors interested in summer internships at home and abroad with several Prize recipients. The internship fair also sparked student interest across the 7Cs to learn more about the College’s Kravis Prize, which will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2015.

On Thursday, Dec. 4, KLI’s Sherylle Tan and CMC’s Alia Kate and Karan Saggi ’14 welcomed interested undergraduates to learn more about upcoming Prize internship opportunities.  The Kravis Prize internships, both domestic and international, will offer students a valuable chance to receive work experience in various development sectors (including micro-finance, education, public health, and women empowerment).

Students also had a chance to talk to past interns Anthony Contreras ’15, Alexandra Ruark ’15, Juetzinia Kazmer ’15, and Samantha LaPierre ’15 about their experiences and hear more about what it’s like to work on the front-lines of the non-profit, social impact sector.

Anthony Contreras ’15 describes his Kravis Prize internship experiences with interested classmates.

The Kravis Prize recognizes extraordinary leaders in the nonprofit sector with a $250,000 prize, celebrates their accomplishments, and shares their best practices with others. For CMCers, the Prize also provides summer internships with Prize recipient organizations around the world. Internships with partner organizations challenge interns with meaningful responsibility and leadership development as well as expose the student intern to organizational leadership dynamics.

The following internships are available for summer 2015: BRAC USA (New York), Helen Keller International (New York), Right to Play (Canada and one country in Africa TBD), Escuela Nueva (Colombia), FAWE (Tanzania), INJAZ Al-Arab (Jordan), and Pratham (India).

Posters of upcoming Prize internships/created by Karan Saggi ’14

Interested?  For application instructions, go to this embedded link for information.

The Kravis Prize will have several other student engagement opportunities throughout the year. This year, we celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Kravis Prize at Claremont McKenna College. Stay in the loop! Check out our social media on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram  for important updates.

For more information, please contact Karan Saggi at ksaggi@cmc.edu or x79303.