Kravis Prize Selection Process
The Henry R. Kravis Prize in Nonprofit Leadership recognizes and celebrates extraordinary accomplishment and bold, visionary leadership in the nonprofit sector. While the Prize typically recognizes an outstanding individual, in exceptional circumstances the Prize may be awarded to an organization.
The Prize Selection Committee annually reviews a pool of candidates obtained from two sources:
- Formal nominations from a select group of individuals who are invited to serve as Nominators based on their knowledge and experience in the nonprofit sector.
- Suggestions of candidates submitted through the Kravis Prize website.
Any visitor to our website is invited to suggest a candidate for consideration and the Selection Committee gives these suggestions careful attention. Nominations and suggestions typically span a broad range of sectors in the nonprofit field, including economic development, public health, law/ justice/human rights, education, and capacity building in the nonprofit sector as a whole. Selection criteria include boldness, innovation, creativity, consistency, persistence, and effectiveness in bringing a vision to fruition. Candidates are also evaluated based on their accomplishment in realizing the mission of an organization and demonstrating best practices in managing that organization.
In choosing a winner from the pool of candidates, the Selection Committee draws upon its own expertise, letters of recommendation submitted by those nominating or suggesting a candidate, and information, evaluations, and analysis assembled by the Kravis Prize staff. Candidates are assessed using carefully crafted quantitative and qualitative measures. The assessment framework focuses primarily on direct impact and achievement but also provides for a qualitative analysis of bold, visionary leadership. In addition, the Selection Committee reviews financial stability and integrity, governance, and management stability. The Kravis Prize Selection Committee makes its final selection of a winner after reviewing extensive information and data within the context of this methodology.